About Us

Prime STEM Nigeria is an organization in Nigeria dedicated to promoting Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) among Nigerian children and youths. 

We organize competitions, exhibitions, workshops and skill acquisition for students and teachers, aimed at developing a strong knowledge base among students and enhancing their interest in STEM, nurturing versatile talents with different levels of knowledge and skills for enhancing international competitiveness in STEM related areas

Our Mission

To be one of the foremost institutions driving STEM education and adoption in Nigeria and Africa through well structured STEM programs and curriculum. 

Why Choose Us

Prime STEM Nigeria remains a first choice for getting started with stem in Nigeria because we  are:

There is nothing I believe in more strongly than getting young people interested in science and engineering, for a better tomorrow, for all humankind
- Bill Nye

Why not get your child started with STEM early with us?

Our programs and curriculum is both physical and virtual thus you can join from any part of the country!